Pioneering Ocean-based Carbon Capture
Let´s work with nature!
Our solution, The OceanPod, depends on a 3 billion years old invention - The photosynthesis.
We offer Carbon Capture and Storage subscription for companies.
Your efforts matters
Hopefully you have heard about the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
As a company you can take Climate Action by:
Cutting emissions
Store CO2 with Carbon Capture
Let Arbon Earth help you with Carbon Capture. We are pioneering ocean-based carbon sequestration by removing carbon from the atmosphere and binding it to the deep seabed, with our OceanPods.
How the OceanPod works
Removing carbon from the atmosphere
Photosynthesis is the best capturer of CO2 on earth. That's why we chose a nature-based solution for Carbon Capture. The OceanPods consists of bamboo and macroalgae - two of the fastest growing species on earth. After the algae is fully grown it sinks to the seabed, binding its carbon for millions of years.
Binding carbon dioxide now
When removing carbon from the atmosphere it's important to bind it to places with high Permanence - like the deep ocean seabed. This is made possible by research being done in Marine Biology, Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), monitoring technology and knowledge about natural biomass.
Collaboration for scale-up
We create sites all over the world together with coastal and island communities. Our own verification system plus 3rd party verifier ONCRA builds the confidence needed to sell the produced negative tons of CO2 to high demanding customers. Together we can make an impact for generations to come. Join us to scale up!
A low-tech solution
The bamboo keep the OceanPod floating and the algae grow on the biodegradable ropes… lots of it. The patent pending OceanPod is standardised, low-tech and easy to produce.
How big impact?
This carbon sequestration is a natural method and can be massively scaled up. The world's oceans have already handled biomass falls to the seabed for millions of years.
How big impact we make simply depends on how many companies are willing to contribute. With our verification system, and third party verifiers, high demanding customers can be confident.
40 gigatons of CO2…
… needs to be removed from the atmosphere (IPCC) - annually!
At Arbon, we remove C.
Carbon Capture and Fish nursery
OceanPods nurture marine life, offering a spot for off-shore fish nurseries.
Natalie Bäck, Managing Partner, WERKS Advokater
“We believe in the innovative – yet simple – idea of Arbon Earth to remove carbon from the atmosphere and binding it to the seabed.”
This area is new to many and we understand it raises a lot of questions. Below we have gathered the most frequently asked questions.
CDR: Carbon Dioxide Removal. Also called Carbon Capture. In Swedish: ”koldioxid-infångning”.
CO2: Carbon Dioxide
Net Zero: The term is used to signify that a person or organization removes more C02 than its activities emits. In Swedish: ”Nettonoll”. To be able to claim to be Net Zero, only climate compensation projects may be used where the purchase of carbon dioxide credits means that greenhouse gases are removed from the atmosphere and stored for at least 100 years.
Carbon Neutral: This term is similar to Net Zero, but is weaker in the sense that is also allows one to credit projects that only prevents greenhouse gas emissions.
Carbon Negative: When carbon removals exceed emissions for a person or organization.
Additionality: Refers to how much of the carbon removal of a particular climate project that would have occurred anyway, had the project not taken place.
Permanence: Refers to how long carbon that has been removed from the atmosphere by some climate project will remain removed.
Awesome that you are starting! Try to automate as much as possible of your data collection so as much of the sustainability budget as possible can go to CDR.
You will report the emissions and the captures separately.
Please contact us to learn more or to receive an offer.
The activities of a generic person in the western world generates emissions around 8 tonnes yearly.
It is common for companies to only compensate for emissions related to their employees work activities.
WWF footprint calculator, Golow and Climate Hero have tools to see status of consumers and companies. And Wellfish and Goclimate have tools to automatically get your emissions based on your book keeping.
The average emissions for companies without production was 0,2 tons per employee per month according to a study by Removement in Stockholm, Sweden.
”Blue carbon” is the carbon dioxide that is captured by the world's oceans and coastal ecosystems, and thus does not stay in the atmosphere and contributes to the greenhouse effect.
This carbon is stored in the bottom sediment, often in the form of algae.
It is the aim of Arbon Earth to increase the amount of carbon stored in these habitats.
The Permanence is very high, 100 to millions of years. The biomasse and it’s carbon sink to a depth of 1000+ meters. Most of the biomass becomes buried in the sediment, remineralized and stay there for eons. A low percentage is dissolved in the water column, but since the water circulation time in the big oceans is 700-2000 year long, even the low fraction of CO2 which is dissolved in the water takes long time to reach the surface. At these depths CO2 is in liquid form which are heavier than water.
The additionality is very high. We actively increase the number of places where fast growing macroalgae can grow. This growth of biomass that is stored on the seafloor wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
We provide new income possibilities for coastal communities.
We source material as locally as we can.
Our Oceanpods provide nursing chambers for a variety of fish species, increasing the Biodiversity.
Our method mimics a natural process that has been around for millions of years.
Tree planting has fallen out of favor as a CDR method in recent years due to the complexity of such operations. To this end, we have chosen not to be involved in tree planting activities.
While it is good to take a holistic perspective, when EU lobby push that companies need to report on 1100 data points, it creates massive administration.
So we hear many sustainability managers saying most of their climate budgets are consumed by administration and climate consultants, so they have little remaining resources for emission reductions or CDR.
But of course the consulting business are riding nice on the wave of incoming business.
Best for the climate would be to focus on two values:
Company emissions including scope 3, and
CDR purchased (tons of CO2)
Then there would be a great effective push forward for many companies.
But we all hope that administration can be automated, so companies have resources left to get some real climate improvements going.
We work with fast growing species that uses photosynthesis to bind a lot of carbon dioxide, fast. Macro algae such as kelp is one example, bamboo is another.
We always work with local species. -
Dried bamboo consist of around 50% carbon.
Dried macroalgae consist of around 28% carbon.
Yes. We release Oceanpods far away from shipping routes, normal fishing areas and islands.
We have designed the Oceanpod to not have any negative effect on sea vessels.
You receive a certificate about your tonnes.
We automatically retire the tons if not instructed to do otherwise.
Follow us @arbon.earth
Get Contacted
Magnus Willner
Tech and Environment Entrepreneur with the goal to make the world a little better place. magnus@arbon.earth
Carl Lindberg
Entrepreneur and former math professor. carl@arbon.earth