We aim to reset climate change

Today, 40 billion tonnes of CO2 needs to be removed from the atmosphere, annually. We can make a significant contribution to reaching this, since our solution is cost efficient, low tech, and massively scalable.

We conducted tests near shore and have now crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Now are the first free floating Oceanpods growing and we are tracking them.



  • The additionality is very high. We increase the number of substrates where fast growing algae can grow.

    The persistence is very high (100+ years to millions of years) since we sink carbon to a depth 1000+ meter. A lot of the biomass is buried in the sediment, remineralized and stay there for eons. Some dissolves in the seafloor water column. The dissolved carbon may end up in the upper water layer after several hundred years since the ocean circulation time soo long. It's very good permanence.

  • a) it is a natural process where species have sinked to the seafloor for millions of years.

    b) the oceanpods will spread out over a huge area so any effect on a specific hectar will be limited.

    c) On specific places we perform deep sea biodiversity studies during the test phase together with the local University, e.g. Azores University.

    d) research videos shows that much of the biodiversity is centered around areas where there is rocks, seamountains and structures. Much of the space between is sediment and ”mud” with much lower biodiversity and population density.

  • We work with fast growing macro algae that binds a lot of carbon dioxide. We always work with local species.

  • Yes. We release Oceanpods far away from shipping routes, normal fishing areas and islands. With the currents taking them even further away.

    For large ships we have interviewed skippers who say it is no problem, they have knifes on the propeller.

    We have designed the Oceanpod to be as soft material as possible so it will break easily if it hits a propeller.

  • Very positive. We provide a lot of micro nursery chambers where fish can grow during their first stages.

    We provide a way to sell Net Zero Fish, that will be increasingly demanded by regulators and consumers.

  • We provide natural ocean based carbon removal so the community easier can become Net Zero. We source material as local we can. We recruit locally and source accomodation, food, etc from local entrepreneurs.

  • Yes, at 1000m depth CO2 liquefies and are heavier than water. Methane (CH4) emissions is primarily a problem in shallow waters and not in the depths we operate.

  • The price of ETS (European Carbon Permits) have gone up 15x in 5 years. Decision of annual decrease of available slots 2,2% instead is likely to continue the push upwards.

  • It will be one of the best times in your life. We work hard with values and sustainability. We provide beautiful places in nature and near ocean. We create fantastic experiences while learning about nature and working for the climate.

    We only work with sustainability aware volunteers. We help all our volunteers analyse their footprint and to become Net Zero for themselves and sometimes also for their family. Contact us to apply.

  • Yes. First we reduce our footprint to a maximum, then we use Ocean Based Carbon Removal to get down to Net Zero.

    Our goal is to become Net Negative 25% in 2025 and Double Net Negative 2030.

  • No. First we all need to reduce our footprint. WWF footprint calculator, Removement and Climate Hero have tools to see status of consumers and companies.

    Then, and in parallel, we can have someone remove carbon from the athmosphere for us, to get down to Net Zero.

  • We are reinvesting all of the profits for at least the coming 5 years to grow the company and hence contribute more to the climate.

Join us in ocean based carbon dioxide removal and let us assist your organization getting closer to the climate goals.

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