About Arbon Earth
Arbon Earth is pioneering ocean-based carbon capture. We are removing carbon from the atmosphere through fast growing species and binding it to the deep seabed. Our company was founded in 2022 with the intention to contribute to solving the Climate Crisis and increase Biodiversity.
We help our customers to boost their sustainability agenda by removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Our design, the OceanPod, uses fast-growing bamboo, macroalgae and the vast oceans to create carbon sequestering micro-ecosystems. These will eventually sink to the sea floor by their own weight where they are buried in the sediment, for permanent storage for millions of years.
Our OceanPods consist only of natural materials and require minimal labour during production. We collaborate with partners in coastal societies providing them an export income and we also build knowledge about the sea and the seafloor. It's simple, cost-effective, and vital for a healthy planet. Plus, the OceanPods nurture marine life, offering a spot for off-shore fish nurseries. A win-win for ecosystems!
Arbon Earth is led by two entrepreneurs Magnus Willner, MsC and Carl Lindberg, PhD. We have a solution that is 3rd party verified through ONCRA - the Open Natural Carbon Removal Accounting Platform.
We get a lot of questions about how Arbon Earth has developed in the last few years. Therefore we have put together a list of our “Milestones”. Aren't they amazing!
Autumn 2024 - Right now we are:
Scaling up on both the sales side and production side.
Onboarding customers - many interesting companies.
Planning new sites all over the world.
August 2024 - EY Impact Amplifier program
Arbon Earth was selected for the EY Impact Amplifier program. We aim to onboard one large customer together with EY. Many of EY's large clients are doing CSRD work right now to measure their emissions. Next step for these clients is to create a solid climate transition plan, where they document separately their emission reductions, and carbon captures. Our aim is to be a provider of Natural-based Carbon Capture.
May 2024 - Biodiversity studies in Tanzania
We started support for biodiversity studies on the OceanPod, located on an island outside Kibuyuni in Tanzania. The study is done together with University of Dar El Salam.
April 2024 - Back in Kenya
Magnus visited Kenya again to assist with the setup of ongoing production in Kibuyuni. So nice to see that the team is now operational!
Mar 2024 - New Angel Investors
We onboarded 3 new great angel investors that wanted to join our journey to create an impact for the climate and a better future. Thanks for believing in us!
Feb 2024 - Long-term tests with SMHI
We started doing climate action research with SMHI and their research vessel Svea. In this deep sea research we put biomasse in measurement containers, on the seafloor. The plan is to measure the weight after 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 … years to get a projection towards 100 years. This will give us values on persistence in different circumstances over time. Thank you SMHI for this opportunity.
Nov 2023 - Live Tests - Kenya, Indian Ocean
Arbon Earth work with four Kenyan women at Kibuyuni Seaweed Farmers to produce OceanPods. Kenya and Tanzania has a large seaweed industry employing 30 000 persons, so they have great knowledge about this production. Magnus visited the site and did a first test putting out OceanPods in the Indian Ocean. This collaboration boosts the economy of this area and strengthens the coastal resilience. We are proud of our Kenyan partners!
Oct 2023 - Certified by ONCRA
The OceanPod got certified by ONCRA. The organisation is the world’s first Open Natural Carbon Removal Framework. It operates as a lean and trustworthy certifier for nature-based carbon removal projects, in close collaboration with local governments, the European Commission and a wide network of innovative entrepreneurs who sequester carbon with nature-based processes. The result from the Life Cycle Analyses done showed that for every tonne of CO2e we bind we emit only 30 kg COe2, that is 3%. Compared to the 50% that biochar emits while being produced. Sweet!
Oct 2023 - Innovative Impact Startup
Arbon Earth was granted funding as an “Innovative Impact Startup”, 300 000 SEK, from Vinnova (Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems) to further develop the product and carry out tests at sea.
Feb 2023 - Live tests - Atlantic Ocean
Like a real adventurer Magnus hitchhiked from Antwerp to New York in an enormous container ship (Atlantic Container Line, ACL). This trip took twelve days. He assembled bamboo from Portugal and spores from Scotland (the closest land downstream the deployment site), to create the OceanPods in a large hall with no windows with 5 metre high waves outside. At international waters, between Europe and the USA, 28 OceanPods were finally released in the North Atlantic Ocean. They were monitored until September 2023 to find out how well the OceanPod solution was working.
Magnus disembarked from the ship in New York and got invited to present for the Nasdaq staff regarding new solutions for Nature-based Carbon Capture. A great trip and a great test!
Nov 2022 - Workshop Azores, Atlantic Ocean
Collaboration started with the University of the Azores, experts on deep sea research, located strategically outside Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean. This university has developed a cost-effective method to filming deep sea in 4K at the seafloor, to see activity far below the surface. At 3000 metres depth, the pressure is 300 times larger than on the surface. There is no photosynthesis there, low oxygen levels and it's completely dark. The aim with this filming is to find out what will happen when the OceanPods hit the seafloor and become part of the sediment. Magnus also gave a lecture at the university about Arbon Earth's solutions and thoughts about the matter.
Oct 2022 - Test Lab - Grebbestad
First marine tests with the OceanPod at the sea shore in Grebbestad (West Coast Sweden) in collaboration with Gothenburg University and Hortimare (Dutch spore producing company). Developing a super-fast spore producing method.
Sept 2022 - Arbon Earth AB is born!
The two founders Magnus and Carl registered the company ‘Arbon Earth AB’ in Sweden, with an aim to be one part of the solution to the climate crises.
Sep 2021 - “Climate Hackathon”
Magnus arranges a successful hackathon with marine biologists to invent big scale, low-cost climate solutions. Connects with Carl Lindberg who had similar thoughts and invents the OceanPod.
Everybody can do something
Administrative Companies can buy 0,2 ton per employee per month. It is deductable and you become in Carbon Balance (Net Zero).
Individuals can check their number of tons on eg golow.eu or WWF footprint calculator. Averages 8 tons per citizen in western countries.
Governments can get a substantial amount of CDR from nature based methods, almost without any emissions. Around 4+ ton per citizen in western countries.
Questions and Answers
Yes, in many countries. The Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden has granted deductions for climate compensation provided that the climate compensation is visible in the company's marketing.
Sure, everything helps! However, you will not be able to claim to be Net Zero.
For a company with 20 employees, that compensates 50% of their emissions, we get the following:
50% * 0.2ton/employee/month * €220/ton = €22/employee/month. This sum is comparable to half the cost of a standard gym membership, while being a really good thing for the climate, an appreciated social responsibility action, as well as a way to attract and keep talent.
We see you, and understand your challenges! Try to minimize administration and automize CSRD data collection, so you get more of your budget for new Emission reductions, and CDR purchases.
Build your marketing messages around how many tonnes of emissions you have cut, and how many tonnes of CO2 you have removed.
Make sure your selected CDR suppliers have low emissions, high permanence, additionality, social responsibility.
Ask for budgets to at least cover half of your emissions.
Methane (CH4) emissions is not a problem for our deep ocean CDR method.
That's where the vast majority of emissions are. The small scope 1 and 2 is easier to reduce but is a small share of the total emissions.
Manufacturing companies of today are very much assembly factories. Most of the work and emissions are done by their suppliers.
Therefore, buying departments need to start select suppliers also based on Emissions, not only Price and Quality.
We provide floating micro nursery chambers where fish can grow during their first stages. In the long run this increases the amount of fish in the ocean, which in turn increases fishermen's income.
To get a low price, you want as little overhead costs as possible.
In the new CDR market, there are many new middlemen platforms. As a buyer you should question what value they bring, since they increase your cost of compensation significantly. This increase is dramatically higher than it is eg in the western stock markets.
Biochar operators burn 50-70% of the carbon up into the atmosphere, selling both heat and CDR tons. It is the fact that biochar generated heat, which has a market value, in addition to binding carbon that is the main reason for its commercial success.
The obvious downside is that biochar sends carbon up into the atmosphere which is the exact opposite of what we want to do. In short, the climate doesn't care where the carbon emissions came from.
Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) recommend to do both Emission Reductions and Carbon Capture, since both are important. They also recommend to communicate them separately.
Yes. We try to live as we preach. First we reduce our emissions so we get as few emission tonnes as possible.
Then we buy CDR tonnes to get down to be in Carbon Balance. Our carbons captures are same or larger than our emissions.
Our goal is to take it further and become Net Negative 25% in 2025 and Double Net Negative 2030. We are a young company and also Lifetime Net Zero.
You can invest in tons now and later sell the unused negative tons of CDR.
There is a mechanism where you can buy tons, keep them but not ”retire” (use) them. You can then sell them to a higher price at a later time. In the mean time, the tons are a valuable asset in the balance sheet.
You are betting on that high demand of durable tonnes and limited supply will increase the prices and give you a potential profit.
We recommend to use the tons you need to get in carbon balance. For additional purchased tonnes, some can be used to become Carbon Negative. And some can be saved as an investment that can be sold at a higher price, later.
Contact us to learn more.
When you get in carbon balance, you can show it e.g. using the profile picture frame for Linkedin or Instagram.
As a company you can also show it in your mailfooter, marketing messages and webpage.
Because the fossil free organisations promote burning biomass straight up into the atmosphere.
The climate doesn’t care where the carbon atoms come from. What we need to do is to reduce the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere.

Join us in nature based Carbon Removal and let us assist your organization getting closer to your climate goals.