Carbon Capture for Companies

How to capture carbon

1) Check your emitted tons

Service companies emit around 2,5ton per employee and year. Calculate your emissions at, WWF-footprint calculator, Wellfish

2) Reduce your emissions

It is also important to reduce your emissions as much as you can in parallell with buying negative tons.

3) Buy Carbon Capture from Arbon Earth

Contact Arbon Earth for an offer or book a meeting. It could be as low as 400 SEK per employee per month to even become Net Zero, with Arbon Earth. It’s deductable. You can also buy directly by card, here.

Life cycle assessment Arbon Earth AB.pngLife cycle assessment Arbon Earth AB

Arbon Earth is certified by ONCRA, the Open Natural Carbon Removal Accounting Platform. A Life Cycle Assessment has been conducted on our operations, available here.

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